
John Steinbeck’s America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction (English)


John Steinbeck’s America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction


For centuries America and Americans have been the target for opinions – Asian, Africa, and European – only these opinions have been called criticism, observation, or, God help us, evaluation. Unfortunately, Americans have allowed these foreign opinions the value set on them by their authors….This essay is not an attempt to answer or refute the sausage-like propaganda which is ground out in our disfavor….But at least it is informed by America, and inspired by curiosity, impatience, some anger, and a passionate love of America and Americans. For I believe that out of the whole body of our past, out of our differences, our quarrels, our many interests and directions, something has emerged that is itself unique in the world: America – complicated, paradoxical, bullheaded, shy, cruel, boisterous, unspeakably dear, and very beautiful.” - John Steinbeck - 

What is America? Who are the Americans?

I have been thinking about those two questions seriously since the late 70s and searching around ’a very good book to read’ to satisfy my thirstiness about them. Finally, I found it as far as I am concerned a few years ago! Because of my busy daily life, finally, I just finished reading that book a few days ago. 

The book ‘America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction’ is a collection of the writings of a famous American novelist John Steinbeck (1902 - 1968)The book was edited by Susan Shillinglaw and Jackson J. Benson and was published by Viking in 2002. The editors are renowned experts in the research of John Steinbeck.

Susan Shillinglaw is director of the Center for Steinbeck Studies at San Jose State University and Jackson J. Benson is the author of the acclaimed biography John Steinbeck, Writer, winner of the Pen-West USA Award for nonfiction. 

It is composed of 8 chapters as the following: Places of the Heart, Engaged Artist, Occasional Pieces, On Writing, Friends, Journalist Abroad, War Correspondent, American and Americans.

Although most Americans know that John Steinbeck is a popular novelist, he wrote many non-fictional articles, too. This book introduces the memorable places in his mind, short novels, essays, ways of his writing, close friends, his contributions, and columns written as a journalist and war correspondent in Vietnam in the mid-60s.

But, most of all, the last chapter is expressing his comprehensive and sincere view about America and Americans as one American citizen. I think the last chapter is the most important and interesting to read for the readers.

In the last chapter, he described his views about E Pluribus Unum, American paradox and dream, the government of people, equality in America, genus Americanus, the pursuit of happiness, Americans and the land, Americans and the world, and Americans and the future.   

E Pluribus Unum is Latin for "Out of many, one" (also translated as "One out of many" or "One from many") – is a traditional motto of America, appearing on the Great Seal and was included on the seal by an Act of Congress in 1782. 

By reading this book, I figured out some reasonable answers to understand to my several questions in my mind since I landed in America a long time ago.  I encourage you to read this book during your leisure time if you have some unresolved questions in your mind about America and Americans. 

At least, you will understand America and Americans a little bit better through the eyes of one of the most popular novelists of America.      

The book was published as one of the events of the Steinbeck Centennial Celebration.   


  1. National Steinbeck Center, https://www.steinbeck.org/
  2. The Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies, San Jose State University, https://www.sjsu.edu/steinbeck/
  3. John Steinbeck, Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Steinbeck
  4. America and Americans and Selected Nonfiction, goodreads.com. 

                                                                                                                 Image Credit: Viking

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