
Get apostille to use US driver license in Korea!!


Hi, this is KICPC

We are the agency helping people to get documents abroad.

Do you know how to switch 

US driver license to Korean Driver license?

Nowadays, a lot of people are asking KICPC 

to switch US driver license to Korean Driver license 

because of COVID-19 as it's hard to go back.

To get Korean Driver license,

 all you need to do is to get notarization  and apostille^^!!

But, many of you might be unfamiliar with these words. 

KICPC will help you to understand these and to get Korean driver license.

What is Notarization?

"Notarization" is certifying that the original text of the document is not different from the 

translation by State-recognized attorneys, law firms, and joint law offices. 

What is Apostille?

"Apostille” is a form of authentication issued to documents for use in countries that 

participate in the Hague Convention of 1961. In general, after the 'Ministry of Foreign 

Affairs' and 'Embassy Legalization', the reliability of the national document is verified, 

but there is an inconvenience in terms of time and cost. To resolve this inconvenience, 

without consular legalization through overseas consulates among the member countries, 

Apostille has appeared, which recognizes documents with Apostille as legalized documents. 

But!! Apostille is only available when you are in America.

Will you go back to America and get apostille?

As Covid-19 is severe, you might not be able to go back to America.

Where can i get apostille in Korea?

Yes, KICPC will help you to get apostille!!

KICPC will help you with reliable services.

We will translate, notarize, and get apostille for you quickly.

If you apply for the fastest version of apostille, 

 you might be able to get documents in no more than 7 days.

For more information


Office Hours : 9am - 6pm Mon to Fri

Email : apo@allminwon.com

Customer Support : +82 1090062182

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