
Qatar’s Background Check(Criminal Records) Certificate


Hi guys, this is KICPC!

Qatar detects 238 new cases of the coronavirus in one day: Ministry | Al  Arabiya English

Do you know a country called ‘Qatar’?

Qatar is a constitutional monarchy located in West Asia and the Middle East.

The official name of the country is ‘Dawlat Qatar’.

It is the only country in the world where English writing begins with Q.

The capital city, Doha, was the venue for the 2006 Asian Games. 

It is a very rich country thanks to its abundant oil and natural gas. 

For your information, it is a very hot and humid country beyond your imagination.

There is also a story that when global warming melts all the glaciers in the South and North poles, Qatar sinks into the sea.

The theme of this post is Qatar’s Background Check(Criminal Records) Certificate!

If you have lived in the Qatar for more than 6 months, please watch carefully!

Apostille a Background check – Police, Sheriff, State, DOJ, FBI

The Background Check Certificate is a document that confirms

the applicant’s criminal history.

To get a visa to stay in a foreign country, you need to get a Background Check Certificate.

(For your information, in the case of issuing a Korean Criminal History Certificate, you can issue it on the Internet.)

1. In case visa issuance is required due to overseas employment, exchange student, 

long-term stay, immigration, etc.

 2. To apply for permanent residency in another country. 

If you have stayed in a country for more than 6 months, the Background Check Certificate in the country 

where you stayed is mandatory.

Therefore, for those who have lived in the Qatar for more than 6 months, 

a Qatar Background Check Certificate is essential.


In principle, the Qatar’s Background Check Certificate can only be issued in the Qatar.

COVID-19: Qatar reports 608 new coronavirus cases, 1 death | Qatar – Gulf  News

If you’ve returned to Korea without a Background Check Certificate in the Qatar, you have to go back to Qatar to get the document.

However, it’s practically impossible to go back to the Qatar.

A Good Idea for Thanksgiving, and More Important Dates for November

So today, without going back to the Qatar for the Background Check Certificate, 

we’ll tell you how to get it issued.

KICPC can help you get local Background Check Certificate by clicking at home.

1.First, KICPC issues a Qatar’s Background Check Certificate from the Qatar branch.

2.Then, we proceed with the Apostille certification.

3.Apostille-certified documents will be sent from the Qatar to Korea.

Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions!

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Office Hour, Mon thru Fri, 9am thru 6am

Thank you:)

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