
How to drive in Korea with the philippines driver's license!!


Hi this is KICPC!!

Today I brought the philippines apostille on driver's license!!

If you are looking for converting Philippines driver's license to Korea driver's license 

you might have to get apostille on your philippines driver's license. 

I will tell you how to get apostille and who can get you apostille instead!!


 a form of authentication issued to documents for use in countries 

that participate in the Hague Convention of 1961.  

It replaces the process "Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassy Legalization"

If the country you are trying to get is the member apostillle, 

all you need to do is getting apostille on driver's license. 


But, you cannot get apostille in Korea. 

You need to go to Philippines  to get it. 



a team of experts offering accurate, reliable, and affordable services 

can help you with getting apostille instead. 

After apostille,

need to visit Road traffic Authority Driver's license Examination Office in Korea. 


*Remember that KICPC is only offering apostille.

You need to take tests related to driver's license to get a final driver's license.

We offer apostille service and other services besides. 

So visit our website and contact us!!

For more information


Office Hours : 9am-6pm Mon to Fri

Email : apo@allminwon.com

Customer Support : +821090062182

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